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What is the difference between stationary and stationery?

Stationary means 'fixed in one place and not moving' while stationery means 'the paper and envelopes used for writing correspondence'. You can use the a in stationary to remember it is the adjective. Stationery is a noun. Another mnemonic to help you is: let the ar near the end of stationary remind you of 'at rest' and the e near the end of stationery stand for 'envelope'. Examples are: He likes to ride the stationary bicycle for exercise. / She bought stationery and ink pens for writing thank-you notes.

What is the difference between adverse and averse?

To be averse to something is to have feelings against it, to be disinclined or opposed towards it. Averse can take the preposition to as well as from and usually describes an attitude. To be adverse to something (the only preposition it takes) is to be turned in an opposite direction to that thing or acting against it. Adverse also means 'opposing or detrimental to one's interests' and usually refers to things, not people. A good way to remember the difference is that the prefix of averse is ab, or away and the prefix of adverse is ad, meaning towards. Examples of each are: I am averse to watching a lot of television. / We are dealing with adverse circumstances.

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