Going back to the times I started to leave messages to other blogs, looking for SEO blog and submitting my blogs to those popular search engine optimization company I was really wondering why did I do it. I keep on asking my Sis who happens to be my mentor about the said scenarios I did. Why do I need to ask for exchange links? Why do I need to submit my blogs to those search engines? She replied me that its the best way to earn a Page Rank and site visitors.
At first, I was really curious about boosting my Page Rank and increasing website traffic as I really don’t know what’s going on with those two? In fact, I even check this CqWen who specializes on SEO as I wanted to find out how important ranking is. As time passes by I happened to find out that its a blog / site ranking given to a particular site who writes a reliable and useful articles. As well as site who do have many links from any other website.
From then on, I keep reading articles about SEO tips as to eventually boost my ranking in Google though I know its will definitely take me sometime to do that but still managed. As time passes by when Google updates on PR I was glad to find out that I ranked 3 in this blog and the other one I had. Knowing about it is something worth doing.
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