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Recreation Games for Teens..

I am really one of an internet addict! reason why I happened to search some great things here in the net. In fact, I also found another another great thing. You might be interested with this. Specially the Teen since, this game is specially made for them. I just got this in Camp Rene Collection. Here it is...

Games for Teens

Capture the Flag
Somewhat of a war game with periods of seemingly inactive play interspersed with moments of great excitement and confusion. Always interesting with endless strategies, with opportunities for coordinated teamwork, individual heroism, and plenty of exercise for those who want it.

Equipment Needed:
2 bandanas, boundary markers. A key to success is selecting a large playing field, at least football or soccer size. If it's irregular, with trees, bushes, and gullies for hiding, so much the better. Please be aware of safety, this can be a high risk game. I've played this many times at dusk (or in the dark) with the occasional fall or sprained ankle.

Divide the field in half. The boundaries should be clearly marked, especially the center dividing line. A bandana is placed in plain view on each side of the field, usually as far back as possible.

To steal your opponents flag and bring it back into your own territory.

Divide into two teams. If a player is tagged inside the other teams' territory they must go to "Jail." This is an imaginary area usually within twenty feet of the flag. The only way to be released is for another member of your team to come and tag you. You are then given free passage back to your own territory. Play usually focuses on some players attacking, others defending the flag and prisoners. You may need to enforce a clear perimeter around the flag to prevent defenders from physically making it impossible to snatch away. If someone is tagged while bringing back the flag, you may take it back to its original location or leave it where the person was caught. The latter option speeds up game play, since they may be only 10 feet away from crossing the center line. Decoys and feints come into play, but let the kids come up with their own strategies. One game may last a couple minutes or over an hour.

Nobody like to be in "Jail" forever. For more active participation, especially with younger kids, put a time limit on their sentence, say 5 minutes. Then they are free to go.

If defenses rule the day, try adding a second flag to each side. This spreads out the action and results in quicker games.

Hope you guys will also find this game a great one as I do!...c",)

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