Greeting cards is one of the most common cards we usually gave to those people who are near to our hearts specially our family and loved-ones nor even those people who are celebrating their birthdays and special days of their lives. But one most common issues if we tend to give them greeting cards is we don’t have money to buy them a greeting card. Too bad! But did you ever know that you can make a greeting cards out of those used materials already? All you have to do is to collect those used material which you think is useful for you to make a greeting cards. Just follow the steps below.
Materials Needed:
- Used Papers nor cards ( such like card board, cartolina, folder, used cards and some etc. )
- Scissor
- Glue
- Pencil
- Eraser
- Ruler ( if needed )
- Coloring Materials ( Crayons, Water Color, Oil Pastel, Colored Pencil )
- Band Papers
- Some useful things which you think is cool to use with.
- Gather all the materials you need and put it on the table for you to avoid any hassles if your on the process of making your simple greeting cards.
- Cut the use card board, cartolina, folder, used cards or any of this material into your desired size and shape.
- Write your message on the back of the cutted folder and on the front of it put a title according to your desired one.
- Put some design on front of the greeting card using your coloring materials.
- Use the glue if you prefer to use some cutted designs into the greeting card.
- Use the band paper nor the cartolina for the envelop of your greeting card.
- Then, thats it!… Its better to make our own designs of greeting cards rather than buying a ready made greeting cards. You know why? Simply because the person to whom you address this greeting cards will definitely appreciate your effort of making those greeting cards. Have fun making your own cards everyone!…
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