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How to edit your photos using Adobe Photoshop...

Do have your own camera? Nor do you have a bunch files of photos which needs to be edited? Well, I’ll help you out to beautify your photos. I just happened to learn photo editing on my own due to eagerness and strong desire to simply manipulate those blurry photos and quite so dark. Even if you don’t have a Nikon camera nor those expensive cameras which produces quality pictures you can still have those great photo shots all you have to do is edit it using the Adobe Photoshop or some other softwares that manipulates photo editing.

But I myself is using this one due to the amazing features that you can only found in this software. Anyway, here is some of the few steps you can use to beautify your photo shots.

NOTE: This is my way of editing pictures you can adopt it or not. It depends on your side. What I’m doing here is trying to help you out to have a great photos out of those low lens cameras.

* Open the Adobe Photoshop (any version)

* After doing so, you’ll probably see the working environment of the Adobe Photoshop. Click the FILE button on the upper left portion. Then, click OPEN. Choose the directory were your pictures resides and choose the photo(s) you want to edit.

* You now see the photo on your monitor inside the Adobe Photoshop. Click the IMAGE button on the upper left portion of the screen. Then, click ADJUSTMENT and drag the cursor to the right then click CURVES.

* A new popup window of CURVES will appear. You may now adjust it by pointing the cursor inside the popup window and drag it. Just be careful in dragging it ’cause you might drag it over that will result to bad effects. Then click OK.

* This will help you manipulate the darker tomes of the photo.

* After doing so, click the FILTER button then click SHARPEN and drag the cursor to the right then click SMART SHARPEN.

* A new popup window of SMART SHARPEN will appear. You may now adjust the sharpness of the photo by pointing the cursor to the AMOUNT button then click OK.

* Thats it! That was just some of the basic photo editing I usually adopt.

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